A wide range of courses has been developed to meet the specific needs of students in the Netherlands. Take a look at our curriculum for the course which best suits your needs.
1. Cantonese class for infant: 7th September 2024 - 21st June 2025, Saturday: 10:45-13:45, Tuition: 240 Euros, Including Learning Materials
2. Mandarin (Official Chinese) class for infant and older children: 7th September 2024 - 21st June 2025, Saturday: 10:45-13:45, Tuition: 240 Euros, Including Learning Materials
3. Mandarin class for adults: 7th September 2024 - 21st June 2025, Saturday: 10:45-13:45, Tuition: 450 Euros, Learning Materials should be prepared by students, and will start class with at least 6 students
4. Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Training Course: 5th October 2024 - 21st June 2025, Saturday: 14:00-14:35, Tuition: 50 Euros per month, Learning Materials should be prepared by students, and will start class with at least 6 students
5. Other amateur interest courses for Children: 5th October 2024 - 21st June 2025, Saturday: 14:00-15:00, Tuition: Euros per month
Should you have further enquiry or suggestion, please feel free to e-mail us: info@st-hcs.org or phone Mr. David Wan: 06-53360241
Elementary School (including both Cantonese and Mandarin courses):
Class for Infant: (Cantonese and Mandarin)
Class for older children: (Mandarin)
Other amateur interest courses for Children:
(A) Chinese Martial Arts
(B) Chinese folk-dance
(C) GuZheng
(D) Chinese Chess
(E) Chinese Calligraphic
(F) Chinese Drawing
10:45 - 11:45 first language class
11:45 - 12:05 lunch hour
12:05 - 12:50 second language class
12:50 - 13:00 break
13:00 - 13:45 third language class
14:00 - 15:00 other interest classes
Courses for adults:
Mandarin (Official Chinese): Focus on your listening, communication, reading and writing skills. It contains Beginner class, Intermediate class, and Advanced class; Learning materials:(HSK)
Timetable Mandarin Course:
10:45 - 12:15; 12:30 - 13:45